The Jesuit Forum produces guides to engage people in dialogue on global and local social and ecological justice issues.
Listening to Indigenous Voices

Listening to Indigenous Voices

A Dialogue Guide on Justice and Right Relationships

Edited by Mark Hathaway, Victoria Blanco, Jayce Chiblow, and Anne-Marie Jackson

112 pages, $19.95, softcover

Listening to Indigenous Voices explores Indigenous worldviews, examines the history of colonization, and concludes with sessions on righting relationships, decolonization, and indigenization. Each session includes questions to guide sharing circles as well as curriculum ideas for use in secondary and post-secondary educational settings.
On care for our common home

On care for our common home

A dialogue guide for Laudato Si’

Written by William F. Ryan sj and Janet Somerville with Anne O’Brien gsic and Anne-Marie Jackson

58 pages, $14.95, softcover

This is a colourful guide to Laudato Si’, bringing to life in photos, cartoons and stories this ground-breaking and challenging encyclical from Pope Francis. On care for our common home: A dialogue guide for Laudato Si’ offers a way to engage in the dialogue the Pope is calling for. It includes excellent quotes from Pope Francis and comprises 9 sessions with reflections on the text, side stories, photos and cartoons to bring the Pope’s ground-breaking and challenging letter to life. Each session ends with a few questions for group sharing
Living with limits, living well!

Living with limits, living well!

Hints for neighbours on an endangered planet

Written by William F. Ryan sj and Janet Somerville with Anne O’Brien gsic and Anne-Marie Jackson

54 pages, $14.95, softcover

A popular-style workbook for small groups to engage on the interconnectedness of poverty, inequality, globalization, ecology and spirituality. The guide explores new ways of envisioning growth, departing from a traditional and very restrictive GDP measurement approach, to uncover more meaningful ways of appraising genuine human development. It is similarly meant to be used in the context of a small group conversation. Published by: The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
Caritas in Veritate: On Integral Human Development in Charity and Truth

Caritas in Veritate: On Integral Human Development in Charity and Truth

Guide for Discussion and Action

Written by: William F. Ryan sj and Janet Somerville with Anne O'Brien and Anne-Marie Jackson

38 pages, $5, softcover

This guide, created by the Jesuit Forum for Social Faith and Justice at the request of the Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario, is designed to facilitate small group study and discussion of Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical letter Caritas in Veritate. The guide is intended for use by parishes, secondary schools, colleges and universities, union, NGOs, professional and business associations, as well as by any group or individual interested in learning about the Church’s social teaching. The seven session format seeks to present in user-friendly language a biblical and practical appreciation of the Encyclical’s central theme and questions.
The Joy of the Gospel

The Joy of the Gospel

Written by: Janet Somerville and William F. Ryan sj with Anne O’Brien gsic and Anne-Marie Jackson

52 pages, $12.95, softcover

A workbook for small groups to engage Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel. Session titles include: “Why should we not enter into this great stream of joy?” “No to an economy of exclusion!” and “The special place of the poor among God’s people.” This booklet is an excellent new resource for parishes, justice and peace committees, Catholic Women’s League, universities, high schools, unions, community groups, religious communities, workplace environments, etc. “This simple study guide provides a way into an extraordinary document, one which points us relentlessly to Jesus and the joy, hope and challenge which he brings us.” — Most Rev. Donald Bolen, Bishop of Saskatoon.

Children in a courtyard,
Hlatikulu, Shiselweni, Kingdom of Swaziland (26°58’S - 31°19’E).

Education remains an essential tool to empower people to take control of their own lives. The design of new curricula grounded in our fundamental interconnectedness with nature and with one another will help create the common vision which can inspire the alternative growth models we need.

© Yann Arthus Bertrand
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