Living Water: The Spiritual Ecology of Water Image
May 2022, Vol. 14, No. 3

Living Water: The Spiritual Ecology of Water

On March 2. the Forum invited three guests to reflect with us on our relationship with water, what we might call “the spiritual ecology“ of water:

  • Lina Azeez of Watershed Salmon Watch, which works to defend and rebuild BC’s wild salmon and their habitats.
  • Jesse Cardinal of Keepers of the Water, a group of First Nations, Metis, Inuit, and local communities working to protect the water, air, land, and creatures of the Arctic Ocean drainage basin.
  • Joanie McGuffin of the Lake Superior Watershed Conservancy, a land trust striving to sustain a healthy Lake Superior watershed.

Together, we spoke of how we are connected to water, how that connection is being endangered, and how our relationship with water might be renewed. With gratitude, we summarize their reflections here. As you read, we invite you to reflect on your own experiences of connection to water and how we might protect water for future generations.

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