"Land contains the languages, the stories, and the histories of the peoples. It provides water, air, shelter, and food. ​Land participates in the ceremonies and songs. And land is home."
— Thomas King

​Key Online Resources

The Thanksgiving Address

This video, filmed on location at the Onondaga Nation School in Onondaga Nation, NY, focuses on the purpose and uses of the Haudenosaunee Thanksgiving Address.

Representatives from the Onondaga Nation talk about the history of the Address and how the Address changes depending on who is saying it.

► See also this video on the Thanksgiving Address

​Acknowledging the Land

What is the land acknowledgement? Why is it important and what does it mean? These questions are at the heart of a video produced at York University involving:

  • The Centre for Aboriginal Student Services (CASS);
  • Professor Deborah McGregor, Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Environmental Justice;
  • School of Social Work Professor Ruth Koleszar-Green, special advisor to the president on Indigenous initiatives; &
  • Amy Desjarlais, traditional knowledge keeper.

​Land Acknowledgments

Here are some sample territorial acknowledgements from a variety of contexts:

Please send us suggestions for territorial acknowledgements from other contexts using the form at the bottom on this page.



Classroom Connections

Research Project: A Source of Belonging.

Spiritual Reflections

For use by faith and spirituality groups:
For Land's Sake by Marvin Lee Anderson.

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