"I want to get rid of the Indian problem....
Our object is to continue until there is not a single Indian in Canada that has not been absorbed into the body politic and there is no Indian question, and no Indian Department."
— Duncan Campbell Scott, Deputy Superintendent of Indian Residential Schools

Classroom Connections

  • Research project: An act of Genocide.​
    Note:This lesson includes details about residential schools which could be upsetting. These exercises are meant to to develop empathy, to help put oneself in the place of the other and to try to imagine what those experiences would be like while being sensitive and respectful. This is a difficult and painful topic. Please carefully review all the material ahead of time to assess whether or not it is appropriate for your classroom.
  • Research project: People of the Arctic by Canadian Geographic.

Spiritual Reflections

For use by faith and spirituality groups:
Confronting the Truth: Yes, We Do Need to Keep Talking About This!" by Cameron Fraser.

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